| Tom, are you still here? I thought you stormed off days ago. Come down off your soapbox for a minute and let |
Comment History  | |
 | Why is it reasonable to tell us what we already know? If the "administrator" assumes dictatorial power and uses it to censor content and exclude persons with whom he disagrees, then he's exercising more power than is desirable. Complaining that it's "hard ", that people are "crazy", and that it "sucks" is not an excuse for poor judgement and cruel and capricious behavior. If you don't like it, or, are insufficiently fairminded to do the job in a credible way, including admitting error when error has occurred, then, I suggest, the job was too big for you in the first place. Now, this woman, Patrizia, has done absolutely nothing to merit being removed from this group, and I, and a number of others, want that decision reversed, now. It was a terrible decision to remove her, and we want the "administrator" to stop acting in an arbitrary and arrogant manner and reinstate her. Otherwise, we want the group renamed to reflect what it is: "Gary and the Mean Girls Pretend to Represent Forrest Sherman High School". Get it? It's not hard. All anyone has to do, is admit a legitimate member of this community and keep their damned hands off the delete button. I'm a fucking adult, and I don't need to be protected from controversy. Thank you. |
 | The voice of reason - thank you Annie. |
 | top right of this page, click the little cog, and then click the last option on that drop down menu............ |
 | I don't have a bite in this fight per se as I don't know Patrizia, etc., but I have to say, there is a lot of misinformation on this thread about the role of an page administrator. Gary is perhaps the least heavy handed admin on any public/private page on Facebook, and/or other internet forums I am involved in. I am on a number of pages/forums running the gamut from the university where I work, dogs, chinchillas, sheriff's department, fishing, motorcycles etc., and quite frankly, the philosophy is almost always the same, "if you don't like it, go start your own page." As someone said, it really is quite easy. Another thing to remember is, people can always delete their OWN post/thread. Anyone can come on here, be "Poster #3" and make a disparaging remark about something/someone that is followed by 25 new posts arguing about it. Then "Poster #3" can come back and delete their original remark and the whole thread becomes nonsensical. Bottom line is, people come on forums all the time and make remarks they might reevaluate or regret, and simply delete their own comment. It has nothing to do with Gary deleting it. People do it all the time. The same goes for "liking" then "unliking" a post. And if you STARTED a thread, regardless of whether you have 1 or 100 comments, you can delete it. You started it. I think Gary has been very upfront when he has deleted a thread or person, far more than most admins do. Most pages I'm on, an admin comes in maybe once a week does a sweep, getting rid of anything or anybody that's controversial, or maybe just something they don't agree with personally. Not a word is ever said. People don't have to agree with it, but it truly is the "right" of the administrator as they created the page. FSHS is not a proprietary name on Facebook. You can make your own FSHS (or call it anything else) and start to build your own fan base. Facebook has a long, annoying history of allowing same-named groups so that isn't a problem. I have been an admin and a forum moderator and it isn't a position I would ever say was "fun." Regardless of how passionate you are about the subject, it is one big headache. The private messaging/complaints from members is overwhelming. There are lots of folks that aren't comfortable posting on a forum, but they sure can be chatty via private messaging. :) If you chose to start your own page/group, I think you'll find out very quickly that: 1. being a page administrator sucks; 2. you WILL be forced to moderate at some point as things can get out of hand very quickly. 3. people are crazy. |
Original Post  | It's no problem. Just put Patrizia back in the group and cut the gratuitous authoritarian bullshit. Right now. Who do you think you are? Dislike the conversation? Tough shit. Don't read it. |
