Kevin Fetzer was the first person I ever heard call her Big Bird.
John Fedele had just tossed the biggest spit wad on the board I have ever seen and she screamed at us, "You kids have diarrhea of the mouth," when we all laughed. The (I think it was green) board was covered with little spit wads and kept thinking, "Ohhh Mr. Raines isn't going to like that... the whole class will be here until midnight and they'll try to get a hold of our parents and we didn't have a phone, so I would have to hitchhike from Via Manzoni all the way to Lucrino at one in the morning..." But I think there was an investigation going on because somebody had done something to Mr. Raines's (Dudly's) car (We thought it was Funky or Maybe Thumper or one of the upperclassman) but because they were so busy chasing that down, they never dealt with our class. We got on the bus and breathed a sigh of relief... but John Fedele didn't, he didn't worry about anything, he made Dirty Harry look soft when it came to acting out in class.