Saturday, April 28, 2012

Re: [FSHS] The article asked me to be the first of my...

Dear Lord Lucy, don't you think it would be a...
Alisa Allan 10:14pm Apr 28
Dear Lord Lucy, don't you think it would be a debatable subject if ANYONE placed a lower value on a 'poor' child? That was my point, that would be debatable, not my simple comment.
Comment History
Brian Pavelko
Brian Pavelko10:09pm Apr 28
Hey out here in Cali the men are turning into women faster than you can keep track. right when I got over my homophobia about queers, and that word is now ok again, according to them. Any way now I have to figure out what to think about a friend and another friends dad who decided that they want to be girls. And even show up at a dance. ok i'm a modern guy its supposed to be alright. but it jacks up my framework. But just so everyone knows I am blowing hot air what if the girls who thought that they might want abortions in the future just became men until they changed their minds. not trying to be as much funny as all i am doing is turning around every argument I see on this page. My argument teacher did not like me either.
Lucy Bond
Lucy Bond10:08pm Apr 28
Lucy Bond
Lucy Bond10:08pm Apr 28
U suggested a very accusing manor....
Alisa Allan
Alisa Allan10:06pm Apr 28
Lucy, I never said you thought that, I only said it was debatable only if you felt that way, never said you did.
Lucy Bond
Lucy Bond10:04pm Apr 28
WHAT??? I can't believe u even said that Lisa! !! I think no such thing!! I want to know how many of u have ever lived in a drug riddled, neighborhood? I mean the kind where shots r fired every night, and where drugs r being made in the house across the street from u? Where women walk the street at night to make money? ?? I HAVE!! It was scary, but more than that the children suffered!!! Neglect, abuse, it is awful. Like I said, my own child went to school where she was one of the few white kids....i volunteered. To even suggest that i would think differently about ANY child is just wrong.and goes to show u don't know a thing about me!!
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Doreen Liebenow Glotzer
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer5:16pm Apr 10
The article asked me to be the first of my friends to like this, I WILL NOT, and hope all my friends will support the woman's choice. OMG What is next?
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Arizona lawmakers gave final passage to three anti-abortion bills Tuesday afternoon, including one t...

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