Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Re: [The Manzo Reality Tour] It was so good to see Tina this weekend! It had...

I don't understand why you are famous, Lou???...
Michael Emjay Stafford 3:11pm Jun 6
I don't understand why you are famous, Lou??? Is it because you have so much fake tan on you are visible from space??? You remind me of the movie 'Night at the Roxbury!' hahaha or Zoolander. 'Oooooh photo op!!! *BLUE STEEL*' The celebrity life must not be too fruitful if all you do is sit on facebook all day self-promoting. I've been bowling tonight and then to the cinema and me just a regular guy. You have self-tanned, facebooked, matt-clayed your hair, facebooked, took out the matt-clay because it didn't look gay enough and applied wet look gel, facebooked, applied self-tan and then facebooked. Dizzying success you have.
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Stephen Samuel Santoro II
Stephen Samuel Santoro II2:45pm Jun 6
Actually you are so 2011. I am 55 and my physicians tell me I have the body of a 27 year old. Read the whole profile and don't take pieces or sound bites out of context. You seem to have a bad habit about doing that. As to a heart attack, I rather doubt that you fat idiot: 9.5% body fat. You are a real jerk-off aren't you? A real CERTIFIED JACKASS.
Lou Mancione
Lou Mancione2:36pm Jun 6
I dont want to be responsible for this old geezer getting so mad he has a fucking heart attack but this load of crap from your info section made me LOL u r good 4 a laugh u old fuck ill give u that much.... "I am 54 years old, yet I am told I have the body of a 30 year old"
Stephen Samuel Santoro II
Stephen Samuel Santoro II2:22pm Jun 6
Lou you are a VERIFIED CLOWN AND JACK-OFF. That is all you are "verified".
Lou Mancione
Lou Mancione2:11pm Jun 6
No, I aint gone Murray Pussyberger and "SSS" Stupid ShitTalking Santoro has now resorted to crying to connie & sammy, oh WAAAAAAAAAAAAH u big fkn DOOFUS. RESPECT ME DAMNIT Im a verified public figure. ✔ Verified celebrity Facebook account. Please respect them and do not be rude.
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Murray Shellenberger
Murray Shellenberger1:23pm Jun 6
Is he gone?
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Connie Simpson
Connie Simpson4:13am Jun 5
It was so good to see Tina this weekend! It had been almost six months!

Is she in this group Samantha?

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