Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Re: [FSHS] You Know You’re a Third-Culture Kid When…

When you go to an off base church with two...
Sherri Lewis Bevan 2:56pm May 9
When you go to an off base church with two services and your kids think the Catholics are coming out so the Protestants can come in.
Comment History
Sherri Lewis Bevan
Sherri Lewis Bevan2:55pm May 9
I get that Melody... I did not know the word for hedgehog when we got back from Germany... I only knew the word Eaglet... my kids still call them that.
Katie Janulis Villani
Katie Janulis Villani2:49pm May 9
When I say I went to school in Naples, people think that it's just across alligator alley.
Sherri Lewis Bevan
Sherri Lewis Bevan2:47pm May 9
Someone says they are going to Venice and you think the city with canals and they are referring to Venice Beach. True Story.
Joe Russo
Joe Russo2:41pm May 9
Yes, might want to join the third culture group...
Melody Gore Dodd
Melody Gore Dodd2:34pm May 9
looking at an object you have to remember which language to use when describing it to someone
Original Post
Joe Russo
Joe Russo2:30pm May 9
You Know You're a Third-Culture Kid When…

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