Monday, May 7, 2012

Re: [FSHS] Who has their puzzle ring?

I still have mine, and I usually have to fix...
Elaine Kalinen Pomroy 4:23pm May 7
I still have mine, and I usually have to fix my sister in laws, Arvid can't seem to remember how.
Comment History
Tami Beam Meacham
Tami Beam Meacham4:20pm May 7
I still have mine ! I love wearing it and taking it apart to show people how it works ! I would like to have a 8 strand one (two of each strand).
Melody Gore Dodd
Melody Gore Dodd4:17pm May 7
I was never any good at reassembling mine. I had such envy of the people who did it with ease. I taped mine to keep it in place.
Cindy Montagnaro McEachern
Cindy Montagnaro McEachern4:09pm May 7
George thank you..I want to get one !
George Petersen
George Petersen4:06pm May 7
Boy I sure miss having that green finger stain from wearing a puzzle ring. They're more than the 2,000 lire they were back in Building L, but you can still get them fairly cheap...
Glynne Reeves-Haines
Glynne Reeves-Haines1:09pm May 7
class ring was stolen years ago, but still have my letter jacket, not that I could get it on or anything :)
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Original Post
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer7:40pm May 6
Who has their puzzle ring?

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