Thursday, May 17, 2012

Re: [FSHS] Using this photo, I've attempted to put names...

Thank you Louann.
Charles Mourning 1:59pm May 17
Thank you Louann.
Original Post
Louann Cartee Sandel
Louann Cartee Sandel1:42pm May 17
Using this photo, I've attempted to put names with faces, but it was difficult with some of the lighting and some folks trying to hide! Not sure how this post is going to turn out. Please review & let me know if I got it right. Or feel free to show me how it should be done! :)

Ray Lee's (Pig Roast) 2012
Left Wall, Front to Back:
1.Bob Miller ('69 – '99)
2.Terry Pruitt '74
3.Jim Steele '77
4.R. Mike (Fig) Newton '75
5.Barry Kelly '74
Left Wall Ladies:
6.Christy Plant '76
7.Cindy Montagnaro '78
8.Marge Prather '77
9.Tami Bristow '78
Right Wall, Front to Back:
10.Theresa Piemontese '87
11.Ray Lee '73
12.Harry Meikle '75
13.Anna Prather-Weber '78
Front Row, Left to Right:
14.Lou Larcombe '77
15.Hiding behind Lou – Ken Conoly '78
16.Nick Campanale '75
17.Albie Montagnaro '74
18.Rich Slate '75
19.Gary Conoly '73
20.Bekki Rowland '74
21.Louann Cartee '72
22.Terry Brown '74
23.Patty Piemontese '82
24.Dave Flick '76
Second Row, Right to Left:
25.Bob (Uncle Bob) Galvin '74
26.Martha Piemontese '77
27.Fred Widman '74
28.Joy Montagnaro '72
29.Ann Wunderlich '77
Third Row, Left to Right:
30.Mary Durso '79
31.Krista Martin '78
32.Richard Codding '74
33.John Fautheree '78
34.Anna Piemontese '75
35.Matt Oswald '73 – Hiding behind Anna?
36.Kent Wilhemi '73
37.Top Right – JP Menese '74
38.Left of JP – Kevin Fetzer '74
Missing from the Group Pic:
39.Steven Able '78
40.Stefanie Ormsby '79
41.Earl Fearn '77
42.Leona Holmes '75

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