Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Re: [FSHS] It's no problem. Just put Patrizia back in the...

Thomas E. Stubblefield commented on his post in FSHS.
Well, glad you could come out. Perhaps now...
Thomas E. Stubblefield 12:44pm May 16
Well, glad you could come out. Perhaps now you'll tell us what you said that provoked Patrizia's reaction to you. What did Cindy say? What does Mr.Flick have to do with it, if anything? We'd like to know.
Comment History
Ed Rogers
Ed Rogers12:44pm May 16
Alisa Allan
Alisa Allan12:38pm May 16
Stubby, you said…… "Why must a discussion of a serious matter degenerate into a joke. There's nothing funny about this. If you think you're funny, you're mistaken. If you insist on behaving like prepubescent juveniles please, do so on another thread. I want this matter to be calmly considered by serious people who understand that capriciously cruel behavior is harmful to others and should not go without resolution and restitution. In a few words: grow up or go away."

I must confess, I do find this to be somewhat laughable and amusing. Only because you would make such a statement and still not get it. There were some people behaving like prepubescent juveniles on a few threads, that's what started this whole thing. I find Gary to be a serious person who understood that capriciously cruel behavior is harmful to others and should not go without resolution and restitution. There were some who couldn't 'grow up', so he made them 'go away'. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Personally, I find calling people assholes, snobs, overweight, old, not aged well, jealous because they couldn't date people they didn't even know… well, I find that acting like prepubescent juveniles. And you think her being booted out is, in your words, "cruelty and injustice perpetrated against an entirely blameless person." Egged on by others who have their own issues, from what I saw this 'blameless person' carried on without being provoked with a bunch of childish nonsense for no other reason than to be disruptive to this entire group. Her downfall was her own doing. And personally, I find your 'demands' nothing but childish nonsense either, just my opinion, but you sound like a spoiled brat who is trying to throw a temper tantrum to get his way. Wow, how the self-proclaimed 'mighty' have fallen.

You want to talk about 'mean girls', throw my name around, Cindy Montagnaro, and bringing Dave Flick into all this? What in the world does he have to do with anything? Really stubby, falling into someone's nonsensical bullspit, of all people, I never would have suspected you to participate in this sort of drama garbage. Why do you feel so adamant about this? You feel you have someone equal in the way they like to spew hate, just like you? Because her hateful words are towards me and that just makes your day? Your preoccupation with this, with me, is quite odd. Better be careful in showing your affection for me so openly, people will start to talk.

I don't know if you saw my comment on that thread that was deleted, but I felt honored you would come out and participate in bashing me. And I'm curious stubby, you said "a man is known by his enemies". From the comments you made about me you're obviously one of mine. As well as a few of your self-professed clever, smart and sophisticated friends I'm sure. So I'm curious, what does that say about me? And I guess you can tell I'm not at the top of Lucy and Patrizia's BFF list. Well, don't count them, they're just hateful, immature and silly and that would probably bring my enemy score down. Actually, you often sound hateful, immature and silly as well, so does that lower you to their level? Or does it raise them to yours? I'm confused now, not quite sure. Regardless, I should have a great 'enemy score', huh?

I'll end with a quote I love by Mark Twain… "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." I won't argue with you, I think if we ignore this it will just go away. But I just wanted to say, don't throw my name around, Cindy Montagnaro's, Dave Flicks, or anyone else's in regards to talking about things you know nothing about. Keep us out of your childish drama. Do as others have suggested, go start your own group, though I'm not sure you and Patrizia would constitute a 'group'? Is that what you're worried about? That it would be empty and lonely in there? Well, give it a shot, who knows, you might find a few more drama lovers with nothing better to do than bash people. After all, you did say you and 'others', you used 'we' to indicate there were more of you who wanted Patrizia back in here, so maybe there is hope you won't just sit in your little group and have to talk to yourself. Good luck with that!
David Beresford
David Beresford12:33pm May 16
What is his email ?
Thomas E. Stubblefield
Thomas E. Stubblefield12:26pm May 16
Sure it does, just ask Gary to put Patrizia back on the site.
Ed Rogers
Ed Rogers12:10pm May 16
I think we can agree on that!!!
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Thomas E. Stubblefield
Thomas E. Stubblefield8:14am May 13
It's no problem. Just put Patrizia back in the group and cut the gratuitous authoritarian bullshit. Right now. Who do you think you are? Dislike the conversation? Tough shit. Don't read it.

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