Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Re: [FSHS] It's no problem. Just put Patrizia back in the...

The golden rule should be enough ! We are most...
David Beresford 2:48pm May 15
The golden rule should be enough !
We are most of us in our 50, or better! Keep it super simple!
Comment History
Diane Pavelko Gentry
Diane Pavelko Gentry1:52pm May 15
I suppose if people are still having problems...you could put rules/poems...whatever in the document above...very easy to create .....you can look at them any time....I belong to other groups that have rules such as there 10 commandments..like be kind to others no matter how rude they are!!
James Dillon
James Dillon1:34pm May 15
I will be your ninja turtle. I'm guarding the perimeter around you.
Nancy Simmons Kelly
Nancy Simmons Kelly1:33pm May 15
David, everyone is speaking their mind. Not all will agree. That is just how it is.
David Beresford
David Beresford1:12pm May 15
I did see and was in the feeding frenzy that took place , I jumped in at once , and said to all the mean girls involved , just how what did they think they were doing ? I was the the one who saw , how the rotten things they said , just vanished in a blink of an eye; and I even said " so just because the comments are gone , doesn't mean they were not said " I also can't suffer bullies , at all ! I was also reading the conversation as it happened , when a certain person , jumped in and proceeded to insult and verbally degrade half a dozen folks by name , and some how deny , her viscous behavior , buy ball faced lying about it . And then calling more names , she ended with
The words she was only here , because "a party was being thrown in her honor " and how good she felt , about being greater than her enemies" I have read it as it happened, I don't tell wacking fibs!
And yes a certain junta of females, do think they can say , and do what ever they choose, on this page !
Since then , my wall was hacked and I was blocked totally by some !
I wouldnt name names then , and I won't now! But I will say that a comment made by one of the gaggle
" that this group is full of narrow minded assholes" did not go Un noticed! So I just posted my pumpkin scarecrows on my own wall. And was blocked by a few , and hacked my someone! And having said that ; I find it a small price to have paid , for having the courage of my convictions ! These
People know who they are , and what they said and did , I actually at this point pity them, for they will surely continue at it , until karma bites them in kind! And the inflated ,self importance of the one , is a truth that should be evident to all of
Us ! What goes around always comes around,! Thank you all for caring enough to speak your minds , during this past week, you are all true stand up people!
James Dillon
James Dillon1:06pm May 15
Eventually, sanity will prevail, and the world be be right again.
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Thomas E. Stubblefield
Thomas E. Stubblefield8:14am May 13
It's no problem. Just put Patrizia back in the group and cut the gratuitous authoritarian bullshit. Right now. Who do you think you are? Dislike the conversation? Tough shit. Don't read it.

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