Friday, May 11, 2012

Re: [FSHS] FYI, I removed Patrizia Sammatrino from the...

There's nothing wise about it, it's just mean...
Thomas E. Stubblefield 6:48am May 11
There's nothing wise about it, it's just mean bullshit and as petty as can be. Adios, I'm outta here. Fools.
Comment History
Nancy Simmons Kelly
Nancy Simmons Kelly6:34am May 11
Thanks so much, Gary. It was getting very tiresome.
Bekki Rowland Kibby
Bekki Rowland Kibby6:31am May 11
You're a wise man Gary......thank you.....
John L. Sims
John L. Sims6:30am May 11
It's amazing to me how people can be so mean and nasty. Particularly to old friends. I heard that people will tend to do that when using the internet because they don't receive the visual signals that we give people that they're stepping out of line when we're talking face to face.
Ed Rogers
Ed Rogers6:10am May 11
Thanks Gary. Although I did not know her and some did and said she was good people, something about her was strange. Prolly just me though!
Kelly Colenda
Kelly Colenda5:51am May 11
I missed whatever was going on, but, I want to thank you, Gary, for keeping this site for those of us who just want to know what our high school buddies are up to these days.
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Original Post
Gary Barnes
Gary Barnes5:07am May 11
FYI, I removed Patrizia Sammatrino from the group. There was another long ranting post this morning that was not in response to anything anyone said on this group. Hey, I don't really care if she went to FSHS or not but I found her posts to be divisive and disruptive. Some of you may disagree with this and that's cool, anyone can leave at any time, no hard feelings.

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