Saturday, May 12, 2012

Re: [FSHS] FYI, I removed Patrizia Sammatrino from the...

is the fshs same as Forest Sherman High...
Susan Arvidson 3:09pm May 12
is the fshs same as Forest Sherman High School? duh trick question lol
Comment History
Thomas E. Stubblefield
Thomas E. Stubblefield11:49am May 12
I don't mind leaving, just give up the name Forest Sherman High School. You ain't the sheriff, or the chief censor. Get it?
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer9:42am May 12
WILD indeed. :(
Brian Pavelko
Brian Pavelko9:13am May 12
She is actually a double agent sent to test our compassion.
James Dillon
James Dillon9:12am May 12
I thought she was a Russian Spy sent to observe our secret cheer leading drills. The truth, however, was much more sinister..
Don Alonzo
Don Alonzo5:36pm May 11
It's a social site of "wild" cats. Are we not the offspring of social peace, support and understanding? We are bigger and better than what we know to be "disruptive" and an alternative to "banishment by a group" may be a suggestion. As Tom is not easy Gary and Kudos for what you do there room for understanding disruptive perspective and disarming it another way? Call this person and have a conversation of differences?
Life..."Poof" what is freedom of speech before its over? Forgive and forget.
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Original Post
Gary Barnes
Gary Barnes5:07am May 11
FYI, I removed Patrizia Sammatrino from the group. There was another long ranting post this morning that was not in response to anything anyone said on this group. Hey, I don't really care if she went to FSHS or not but I found her posts to be divisive and disruptive. Some of you may disagree with this and that's cool, anyone can leave at any time, no hard feelings.

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