Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Re: [Forrest Sherman High School, Naples, Italy] Uncle Funky will not tolerate any more butthurt...

Thumper lives in Bend Oregon in a Custom Log...
Joseph Lawing 12:00pm May 8
Thumper lives in Bend Oregon in a Custom Log Cabin he Built himself, A few years back, Myself, Tom Jecker and Bobby Debryn all met up there in Bend and had a two day jam session , was so much fun
Comment History
Tom Ross
Tom Ross10:38am May 8
I heard of Thumper once on one of these threads... when they were talkin about music... and now again a 2nd time. I hope he's OK.
Nancy Simmons Kelly
Nancy Simmons Kelly7:27am May 8
Wow...Thumper. Now that was a gentle soul! Where the heck is he now???
Linda Bradbury
Linda Bradbury12:23am May 8
^= just sayin' ;-) ♥
Linda Bradbury
Linda Bradbury12:22am May 8
PSSST ! Uncle FUNKY , It's shorty . Ya keepin me up late w/ "LATE NIGHT WITH FUNKY" ;-) Burstin' @ the seams here w/ this thread & your hilariousness ! Although I did not know you then nor did I even dabble or experiement in "that", then or now however with your wording one could visualize as if they were there. Ya makin' me LAUGH BUD ! BUDDY ! & I didn't even have to know ya then or somewhat now. ;-) I can only "IMAGINE"!....tee-hee. btw Preperation-H works well for bags & the BIG puffy's under your eyes ie... reduces the swelling! LOL .... I'm sleepy right now almost turning into one of the 7 dwarf's. Besides , it is very very late "my time"! .... Come to think of it~ that prep.-H might just do the trick for my under eye bags in the mornin'... or when I am up & at it again. LOL LOL just not as good as you. U still ^? :-)))) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZz DO I dare press enter ? here goes ~ ~ ~
James Dillon
James Dillon6:17pm May 7
Thumper? I got him a gift one Christmas, it was a tube of Preperation-H.
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Original Post
James Dillon
James Dillon10:37pm May 6
Uncle Funky will not tolerate any more butthurt here. I was riding horses bareback, scaling mountains, and skinny dipping in Geata while taking LSD with some of you. Get a clue

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