Saturday, April 28, 2012

Re: [FSHS] The article asked me to be the first of my...

Doreen Liebenow Glotzer commented on her post in FSHS.
Who should decide, if not me, of my own body?...
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer 1:30pm Apr 28
Who should decide, if not me, of my own body? Until the child is born and sustaining on it's own, IT IS ME. We are ONE. My God is an understanding God, a forgiving God, a loving God. Why are we having *others'* religious views controling me? Tolerance? Anyone heard of that? Our Founding Fathers are rollilng in their graves. All they gave to make our Great Country, created WITH separation of church and state. Are we 'Christians' tolerant? Intolerant? Your way or the highway? Jesus is SO VERY DISAPPOINTED. And, you know, another thing WE, the WILDCATS, (or Kittens if you went to the Happy Horseshoe), should WE of all people be more tolerant? Did representing the USA abroad not teach you this? All the countries represented, all the beliefs, I don't know I sit here and shake my head, thankful for AFSOUTH and my parents. :(
Comment History
Victor L. Kemp
Victor L. Kemp12:54am Apr 28
Alisa Allan
Alisa Allan12:22am Apr 28
Absolutely nothing... and you make some great and valid points, so I'll just repeat what I said previously. Isn't up to me or anyone else to judge someone for their choice, for whatever reason. That's between them and whatever God they'll be answering to at the Pearly Gates, or them and their own conscious if they might be Atheist.

As to a man's rights?... You have the right to remain silent... okay, I am only kidding there! ;-)
Brian Pavelko
Brian Pavelko10:35pm Apr 27
ok.. really I dont know what I am talking about . what was the good thing about an abortion?
Brian Pavelko
Brian Pavelko10:33pm Apr 27
...what about karma. these souls have contracts to enter earth at a given moment. Do you really want to mess with that.
Brian Pavelko
Brian Pavelko10:29pm Apr 27
Now if a woman were just a baby makin machine then we could turn her on or off when we wanted. Then when she has a baby its her choice. No marage, no child support, no welfare. If its a womans choice , why should a guy hang around unless he wants to. Why should a guy have no choice at all. It is his baby to. right?
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Original Post
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer
Doreen Liebenow Glotzer5:16pm Apr 10
The article asked me to be the first of my friends to like this, I WILL NOT, and hope all my friends will support the woman's choice. OMG What is next?
Az. Abortion Bill: Legislators Pass Three Bills, Including One That Redefines When Life Begins
Arizona lawmakers gave final passage to three anti-abortion bills Tuesday afternoon, including one t...

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