Just a place to hang out since we can't all go to Carney Park or the Teen Club or the Outdoor Theater or AFSouth Beach or the Cove or the Galleria Umberto or the Pizzacatta or Edenlandia or....
Yes I am disturbed about how you earthlings perceive your selves. I am not from this planet. I am a clarevoyant time traveler and I am here to disturb you. You have less than 50 years before you find yourself wondering why is it so dark in here and when is someone going to let me out. Or maybe you will be knowhere if that is what you believe. I have not found knowhere yet and do not believe it exists. But this is not about me.
You are just fine, Lucy!! But you are right, this is one heck of a topic. But I still feel that if you don't have a uterus, don't EVEN go there--telling someone who does what they should or shouldn't do with it. You have NO right.
The article asked me to be the first of my friends to like this, I WILL NOT, and hope all my friends will support the woman's choice. OMG What is next?