Saturday, April 21, 2012

Re: [Forrest Sherman High School, Naples, Italy] Anybody remember Luigi from Parco Caruso back in...

Linda Bradbury - hilarious...
Julie Preston 1:10pm Apr 21
Linda Bradbury - hilarious story! Yes, Parco Caruso is in Arco Felice. Luigi was some sort of caretaker there. He rode around on his bike wearing a blue jumpsuit looking for any of us kids who were getting out of line. Of course, we always were. He was classic Neopolitan complete with the very expressive hand gestures and shouting. We were the bane of his existence. LOL
Comment History
Linda Bradbury
Linda Bradbury8:23pm Apr 20
We had a Luigi in Parco Cuma that did the same thing. Always chasing us around with gusto VIA ! #@&(*#...-^>#... ~ ! In typical Italian Style, very animated! I Remember the time especially when Mark Romaniello + my Bro were learning how to drive a Cinqe-Cento, stickshift mode. I was in the back seat. After many stall outs & restarts & quick chug a luga attempts Luigi got very impatient & started @ us thru the open sunroof. I am LOL too hard to cont..... @ the moment. I just remembered Luigi's sons name :-) Raffaele ! Back to Parco Caruso , was that in Arco Felice? or near where somebody I am failing to remember right now lived . Just escapes me . I am having a temp. brain fart. scusi. Plz. assit me in "RECALL" ;-)
Original Post
Julie Preston
Julie Preston5:43pm Apr 20
Anybody remember Luigi from Parco Caruso back in the late 60s? He used to ride around on a bike telling us to "via!" all the time.

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